Lawn Maintenance

Lawn Maintenance Every visit we mow the lawn, stringtrim large weeds, and blow all hard surfaces like driveways, sidewalks, curbs and porches/patios. Our height of cut is around 2.5 – 2.75 inches for all customers. Every other visit we edge the lawn by using a rigid steel blade along driveways, sidewalks and curbs for a sharp edge and a line trimmer along shrub beds for a smooth edge. Our crew [...]
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Fertilizer Spray Service

Fertilizer Spray Service We apply a liquid fertilizer that is blended by our licensed Technicians for the perfect seasonally appropriate ratio of nutrients. This keeps the fertilizer exactly where it belongs and allows effective control of moss, weeds and insects. The best defense against weeds and moss is a well-fertilized, dense stand of turf. Our equipment is calibrated seasonally and cleaned between each Round by our licensed applicators. We add [...]
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Moss Control

Moss Control The most common cause of moss in the lawn is a lack of fertility; because moss is not dependent on sunlight for photosynthesis it can thrive in shady areas where your lawn cannot. Reasons for moss: poorly drained lawn compacted lawn/ lawn with excessive thatch acidic soil thin & shady areas The best defense against moss is a dense stand of turf. Since moss is an ongoing concern [...]
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Weed Control

Weed Control We add Weed Control to our fertilizer applications in the Summer months for maximum effectiveness, quick response visible within hours, and weed death occurring within 7-14 days. Our Weed Control was formulated especially for the cool season grasses we have in Western Washington. We use a selective herbicide that only affects chlorophyll production in weed plants but does not harm turfgrass plants. Reasons for weeds: Low fertility or excessively [...]
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Insect Control

Insect Control The insects we are controlling are the European Crane Fly (Tipula paludosa) and European Chafer Beetle (Amphimallon majale). Both insects can cause significant damage to a lawn in their larval phase, which is why preventative action is important to protect your lawn. These insects cause the most damage from December through April. Before this time the larvae are young, vulnerable and easy to kill with only a small [...]
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