Weed Control

We add Weed Control to our fertilizer applications in the Summer months for maximum effectiveness, quick response visible within hours, and weed death occurring within 7-14 days.
Our Weed Control was formulated especially for the cool season grasses we have in Western Washington. We use a selective herbicide that only affects chlorophyll production in weed plants but does not harm turfgrass plants.
Reasons for weeds:
- Low fertility or excessively high fertility
- Excessive irrigation or frequent and light irrigation
- Compacted, thin and sparse areas in the lawn
- Mowing height of cut too short
- Drought, disease or insect damage
- pH levels not optimum for turfgrass
The best defense against weeds is a dense stand of turf.
After every application we recommend staying off the lawn for 2-4 hours to give the fertilizer time to dry/make its way down to the root zone. This prevents the risk of transfer as well as allowing the lawn time to absorb the nutrients. Our technicians are licensed and receive ongoing training; our equipment is seasonally calibrated and cleaned.